Variadic Interstellar Waste Facility: Blockchain Crisis In the Alpha Omnicron Seven universe, the Variadic Interstellar Waste Facility uses blockchain technology to manage matter and antimatter recycling, ensuring transparency and security.
N4n, an intelligent robot, relies on smart contracts to sort waste and prevent dangerous matter-antimatter explosions.
However, hackers from the SOL universe, the Corgiods, have attacked blockchain nodes, causing system failures. Unverified waste is flooding in, leading to multiple explosions.
Your mission: Help N4n repair the system and restore balance to waste management!
Character & Blockchain Identity Main Character (Player): Blockchain Fixer Background: You are a specialist sent to repair a compromised blockchain network.
Mission: Restore system functionality by fixing attacked blockchain nodes. Ability: Switch between encryption and decryption modes.
Game Mechanics & Triggers Blue Trigger: Represents encryption functionality.
Red Trigger: Represents decryption functionality.
How to win: Guide the correct type of data to the corresponding trigger to repair blockchain nodes and progress through the game.‘